Decluttering with the Seasons: Organization Maintenance Tips

professional organizing maintenance tips for the whole year.

As the New Year unfolds, many of us have made resolutions to create a more organized living space. From the freshness of spring cleaning to the festive chaos of the holidays, each season brings unique challenges and opportunities for maintaining an organized home. In this blog post, we're sharing our best advise for aligning your efforts with the rhythm of the seasons to help maintain order in your home year-round.

room by room organizing guide.

To learn how we organize, edit, choose product, and implement new systems for every room in your home, download our FREE Room-by-Room Organization Guide.

1. New Year Home Organizing Reset

After the holiday cheer has settled, it's time to transition from the warmth of celebrations to a clean slate of clutter-free simplicity. Tackling the task of packing away decorations requires a systematic approach, organizing storage for easy retrieval next year. Checkout out our favorite containers for holiday decor storage!

The holiday cooking and baking extravaganzas also leave a trace of chaos in your kitchen! Take some time to assess & declutter to ensure that your kitchen remains efficient in the aftermath of the celebrations. But we know that even though the celebrations are over, life doesn’t stop. That’s why we created our New Year Reset Checklist - to give you easy tasks to set the scene in your home for organization in the new year.

We understand that these can be daunting tasks, and we are here to help you get it done!

organizing help tips for the new year.

2. Spring Cleaning

As nature awakens, spring presents the perfect opportunity to breathe new life into your home! Start to freshen it up by rotating your wardrobe and organizing your closet with the upcoming season in mind. Take the opportunity to donate worn items and store off-season clothing. Check out our favorite closet organizing products!

A comprehensive spring cleaning routine will revitalize your living environment. Tackle often-overlooked areas, such as baseboards, light fixtures, behind furniture, and upholstery. While you’re at it, rearranging some furniture for an easy, budget friendly way to refresh your interior design. This is also a great time to declutter & organize your cleaning supplies! Follow our spring cleaning & organization routine.

how to stay organized all year long.

3. Summer Time Organizing Tips

As the sun beckons outdoor adventures and getaways, packing for a whole family can be a pain! Consider investing in packing cubes to streamline the packing process, keep your suitcase organized, and make unpacking a breeze upon arrival.

Summer can also bring an influx of seasonal, outdoor items. This is the perfect time to assess the state of your garage and be honest about which items you truly find value in. Check out our favorite garage products for optimizing space and organizing equipment, tools, bins, and more!

Organizing a garage requires all hands on deck! Let us help.

professional organizing tips straight from the pros.

4. Staying Organized During the Holidays

Meal planning, shopping, gifting, and decorating for guests are big responsibilities for all holiday hosts. To prepare for the holiday season, organization can ensure that both your space and mind remain clutter-free. But sometimes, we just have too much on our plate, and staying organized seems impossible. If this sounds like you, it might be time to ask for help! From a cleaning service to ordering takeout, taking small things off your to-do list can make a big difference.

Let us organize your life.

We organize your home so you can live your life. We streamline your space, so you have more time and freedom. We bring out the beauty of your home with thoughtful updates designed for your specific needs. If you are ready to improve your lifestyle through organization, schedule a free consultation to learn how our team of professional organizers can help you this year!

Thinking of hiring a professional organizer? Click here to find out how we can help you.


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Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Becoming & Staying Organized