Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Becoming & Staying Organized

The start of a new year provides a golden opportunity to hit the reset button. New Year's resolutions, the promises we make to ourselves, often revolve around self-improvement, health, and happiness. Yet, there is one that is often underestimated in its profound impact on our daily lives: organization!

As professional organizers, we see all the time how our clients’ newly organized spaces actually improve their internal (mental & emotional) environment. In this blog, we'll explore 5 resolutions you can make to become abbsolutely organized!

1. Declutter & Simplify

Simplicity is the foundation of organization, and decluttering helps us create a clean slate. Tackle one space or category at a time, setting aside items that add genuine value to your life (functional, aesthetic, or sentimental) and saying goodbye to the unnecessary.

Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things, so we can make room for life’s most important things—which actually aren’t things at all.
— Joshua Fields Millburn

2. Create A Daily Routine

When it comes to maintaining an organized home, regular system maintenance helps to prevent the buildup of clutter and ensures a perpetual state of order. Start by creating a simple daily schedule, allocating specific times for cleaning, organizing, and maintaining different areas of your home. Consider it a daily investment in the long-term harmony of your living space.

Download our FREE Daily Home Reset Checklist!

3. Functional Storage

Give special consideration to how your storage products fit into your space and daily routines. The right products, whether bins, drawer dividers, or labels, should not only optimize your available space but also seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle. This will enhance the overall functionality and design of your home.

Here are 5 professional organizer-recommended products:

4. Go Digital

By capturing a digital photo of sentimental items that are hard to part with, you not only preserve the memories and declutter your physical space but also open up opportunities to revisit and share these memories with ease! However, we should be equally intentional about what we store digitally - it’s just as important to periodically evaluate & organize your files, too!

If you’re not quite ready to let go but want a better way to condense and declutter, here is one resource that we love to recommend to families:

Artkive: Transform your child's artwork into a personalized coffee table book. This service digitizes drawings and paintings, creating a lasting keepsake without the need to store every physical piece.

Psst… This makes a great gift for the moms in your life!

5. Hire Abbsolutely Organized

We organize your home so you can live your life. We streamline your space, so you have more time and freedom. We bring out the beauty of your home with thoughtful updates designed for your specific needs. If you are ready to improve your lifestyle through organization, schedule a free consultation to learn how our team of professional organizers can help you this year!

Do I need a professional organizer this year?


Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you purchase through the link.
However, I make it a point to only share tools and resources I truly love and use!


Decluttering with the Seasons: Organization Maintenance Tips


How To Organize & Store: Create a Gift Wrapping Supplies Station