Declutter & Organize Your Home Like a Pro in 30 Days

Declutter & Organize Your Home Like a Pro in 30 Days.

Imagine walking into your home and everything has its place – a serene haven where clutter has been banished, and there’s sense of order in every corner. The benefits of maintaining an organized living space go beyond just appearances. Studies have shown that living in a clutter-free environment can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. So, if you find yourself feeling suffocated amidst the chaos, it's time to take charge of your space and start your journey towards decluttering and organizing your home.

In this blog post, we will discuss a 4-week strategy that breaks down the process into manageable steps: from setting clear goals and gathering the necessary supplies to systematically decluttering each category and implementing smart storage solutions.

Bonus: For even more guidance throughout the process (daily schedule and specific tasks listed for you each and every day), check out our 30-day Challenge printable!

Week 1: Preparing for the Journey

home organizing plan.

Set Clear Goals:

Before diving into the physical act of decluttering and organizing, take some time to define your goals. What do you hope to achieve by the end of this 30-day challenge? Setting clear and specific goals will give you a sense of direction and purpose as you work through the process. Do you want to reorganize the kitchen to create a more functional entertaining and meal-preparation space? Do you hope to transform the bedroom into an oasis that fosters relaxation and better sleep? Do you need to establish an inspiring workspace by decluttering your home office?

Gather Supplies:

To tackle your home organization project effectively, you'll need the right tools at your disposal. The essential organizing supplies include product like decorative bins, clear containers, labels, and cleaning supplies. Measuring and planning your product placement will ensure you have enough of the right options for your space.

Our favorite baskets: Rattan Storage Baskets

… and don’t for get the labels: Bin Clips

Our favorite for decanting food: Plastic Canisters

Our favorite for micro-sorting: Acrylic Baby Bins

Our favorite drawer organizers: Bamboo Drawer Organizers

Our favorite for storage: Clear Storage Boxes

Shop more of our favorite products HERE

Create a Schedule:

A well-structured plan is crucial to keep you on track over the next 30 days. Set up a realistic schedule that works for your lifestyle. It's better to set aside smaller, consistent amounts of time each day rather than attempting to tackle everything in one marathon session. Whether it's 15 minutes or an hour, committing to this daily routine will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and ensure that you make steady progress towards your goals.

Week 2: Categorize

pantry restock organizer.

Before you begin decluttering specific areas, it's helpful to understand the sorting process. First, designate areas for items you want to keep, donate, sell, or discard. This approach not only helps you declutter but also streamlines the organizing process later on. Focusing on one room or category at a time helps to prevent overwhelm.

We recommend sorting by category. This method, popularized by Marie Kondo, focuses on decluttering items based on their categories rather than room locations. This approach helps you realize the true extent of your possessions and encourages you to keep only what truly adds value. Start with easier categories like clothing, books, or kitchen items. Gather all items from the category of focus throughout your home, place them in one spot, and go through them one by one.

Week 3: Declutter

professional organizer in Scottsdale.

Now that you have everything sorted and out into the open, it’s time to make some decisions on what to keep and what to let go of. We know you're excited and want to jump to the organizing part, but it’s important to take this crucial step of decluttering in order to simplify your living space.

Letting Go: As you go through each item, place it in the appropriate box: "Keep", "Donate”, Sell", or "Trash". You may also create an "Undecided" box to revisit later, but try to make decisions as you go to avoid prolonging the process. To determine if an item is worth keeping, ask yourself:

  1. Have I used/worn this in the last 90 days? Will I use/wear it in the next 90 days?

  2. If the item spontaneously combusted, would I buy it again?

  3. Does it have sentimental value? Do I have other things that capture the same memory?

Sentimental Items: Sentimental items often contribute to clutter as they are the hardest to part with. Try to keep only the items that hold the most significant memories and are genuinely meaningful to you. Consider taking photos of items you want to remember but don’t want to keep physically. Remember, our memories are not in our things, they are in us. One way to control the amount of items you choose to keep is to designate one specific container for sentimental items. The size of this box is your limit that encourages you to only keep the most cherished items. Check out our favorite sentimental organization product here.

Decluttering and organizing your home is a transformative process that requires patience and dedication. By making thoughtful decisions about your belongings, and finding creative ways to preserve memories without clutter, you'll create a living space that's not only organized but also a reflection of what truly matters to you.

closet organizing tips.

Week 4: Organize & Label

Creating efficient storage solutions is essential for organizing your home and keeping it clutter-free (and beautiful!). One key aspect is optimizing storage to ensure that items are easily accessible. To achieve this, utilize vertical space by installing shelves or using stackable storage containers. Store frequently used items in easily accessible areas and less frequently used ones in higher or harder-to-reach spots.

Another effective strategy involves creating functional zones within rooms, such as a dedicated workspace, entertainment area, or relaxation corner. This not only maximizes space but also streamlines daily activities by complementing the flow of the room.

Labeling containers and shelves is a game-changer in maintaining organization. Labeling is particularly helpful for easy identification, reducing the time spent searching for items and decreasing unnecessary spending on items you didn’t know you already own! An effective labeling system includes color-coding, using clear storage bins, and utilizing a labeling machine for clear and pretty presentation. By implementing these strategies, you can create an organized and efficient storage system that simplifies the daily routines of everyone in your home.

getting organized in 2023.

System Maintenance

As you move forward from this 30-day challenge, it's essential to keep the momentum going. Now that your spaces are looking their best, the key to keeping them that way lies in establishing simple daily habits. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to tidying up, you can maintain the newly organized order and continue enjoying the benefits of a clutter-free environment.

Daily Habits for Maintenance:

  1. Start/end your day with a quick, 10 minute reset routine

  2. Use the one-in, one-out rule

  3. Keep flat surfaces, like countertops and tables, as clear as possible

  4. Sort mail immediately & deal with it promptly

  5. Instead of letting laundry pile up, consider doing a small load each day. We have a laundry schedule printable you can use!

You can also follow more of our best household maintenance tips HERE.

It's essential to remain open to the evolution of your spaces. As your life changes, your organizational needs may shift as well. Regularly assess your belongings, reassess your goals, and make adjustments as needed. Flexibility and adaptability are key traits in maintaining a clutter-free and organized home.

In Conclusion

Remember, the true power of this 30-day challenge lies not just in the physical changes you'll make to your living spaces, but in the lasting change you'll create in your mindset and daily habits. By following this strategy, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a more organized and clutter-free living space that promotes a sense of peace and productivity in your daily life.

We encourage you to join this transformative journey by downloading our “30 Days to an Organized Home” Printable below. This guide shows you where to start and helps you keep momentum going with specific tasks for each of the 30 days!

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you purchase through the link. However, I make it a point to only share tools and resources I truly love and use.


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