How To Stay Organized With Household Maintenance

household maintenance and home organization

Does household maintenance & repairs give anyone else crazy anxiety?! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

I LOVE my home (and my family of course!!) and I want to keep everything in it maintained, properly repaired, and safe! This means staying organized & following a routine. 💪

When it comes to keeping my family & home safe, I always remember: control what you can control. My way of doing this? Staying super organized when it comes to maintaining my home - our safe & healthy oasis from the hectic world.

Thankfully, I have created a simple routine anyone can follow to help them maintain their home without becoming overwhelmed.

After doing some research, I realized there are only a few simple tasks that can be done each month to keep my home in good shape, reduce allergy & fire risk, and keep all my appliances working well.

Read on to see how I taught myself to be confident & consistent with my household maintenance.

Follow a Home Maintenance Routine

household maintenance routine scottsdale az

Don’t worry - I did NOT create this checklist off the top of my head! In fact, I spent several hours researching the top things you can do to maintain your home monthly, annually, and seasonally. I added in a few things I find essential and like to do consistently (wash out your trash cans & keep your household maintenance cabinet fully stocked!).

Sticking to this routine & learning this information helped me to feel SO much more confident in maintaining my home - making & keeping it a safe place for my family. It also helps to protect our biggest investment: our home!

A routine takes out guessing, trying to remember when we last completed a task, and helps us be more organized. All these things lead to a greater sense of peace & confidence when caring for our home and family - my ultimate goal.

Have Necessary Items on Hand

organized utility cabinet scottsdale az

Nothing beats needing a battery or fresh lightbulb and being able to locate, grab & install it without taking a trip to the store or searching frantically within your home. This is why I love having a section in my home dedicated to storing items for household maintenance.

What items should be included here? A small toolkit, batteries, lightbulbs, wall putty & sandpaper are items I always keep stocked. You may also want to keep a section for flashlights, command hooks, and furniture pads. It all depends on what items your home tends to need and how comfortable you are installing & using the items yourself.

I love organizing the small items (batteries, screws & wall anchors, command hooks) into acrylic baby bins and storing them inside of all purpose bins. Short on space? Limit your household maintenance stock to only the essentials and store them in mesh pouches inside a sturdy cube bin.

Learn What You Can & Outsource What You Can’t

organized tools phoenix az

I get it - raising a family is not an easy task, and adding household maintenance & repairs is not something most people have time for! When I am able to, I ask my dad for help (thank you for being an electrician!!) or hire out to my local handyman. My best skill is being able to make sure all these tasks are completed in an organized, timely manner - so that’s what I focus on!

That being said, I like to have a basic understanding of each task that needs to be completed so I can make sure it’s being done correctly at the right time. This helps me to feel confident in maintaining my home and keeping my family safe!

Of course, there are always things we can learn to do ourselves that will save us so much time and money! I recommend learning to keep your own tool set and maintenance bin stocked, learning how to change your own air filters, and how to test smoke & CO2 sensors. I like to leave the rest to the pros while I focus on maintaining the schedule & keeping an organized routine.

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you purchase through the link. However, I make it a point to only share tools and resources I truly love and use.


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