Making a laundry schedule can be a helpful tool for creating organization within your home. Breaking down weekly laundry duties into small sections can prevent overwhelm and create more opportunities for success.
Begin by setting up laundry ideals for each week. What do you need to get done? My categories include: bedding, my clothing, whites, pet bedding and blankets, kids clothing, cleaning cloths and dish towels. I handle the majority of laundry within my home but my husband does his own laundry - he uses a special sport detergent because his workout clothes are…smelly. We wash our whites together. Pet bedding is an often forgotten category - I always make sure to buy pet beds and blankets that are machine washable.
There are two primary ways I do my laundry - either in one huge laundry day or by breaking it into daily loads. Having an entire day at home to work through laundry is not always realistic and can lead to overwhelm, so I prefer to do one load or complete one category each day. This will include washing, drying, folding, and putting away. For example:
Create categories that work around you and your schedule! For myself, I like to have clean bedding going into the week so I always strip my bed and change my sheets on Monday morning during my morning cleaning routine. I try to stick to laundry on weekdays so if I have any overflow folding I can finish it up over the weekend.