How a Pro Organizer Tackles Folding

how a professional home organizer folds clothes and linens

As a pro organizer, I love folding. It’s so soothing to place neatly folded items into a drawer, knowing how easy it will be to find what I need when I return. Part of loving folding & keeping drawers and baskets tidy is knowing the best way to fold each item. Although there’s tons of tips, tricks & hacks to folding items, I like to keep it simple. That’s why I’ve created an exclusive AO folding guide to help you keep your clothes as tidy as a pro organizer 😉

Join me as I share my fav ways to fold + store some more tricky clothing items below.

How to Fold & Store Pants & Jeans

professional organized and folded pants and jeans

Although pants & jeans are fairly easy to fold, the more common question I get asked is: how do I store them?

If you don’t have space for hanging, folding jeans & pants is a great choice!

If you want to store pants on a shelf, start by folding them in half with the crotch seam facing out. Fold in half ankle to waist seam, then fold in half again. Stack neatly on a shelf and keep them tidy with an acrylic shelf divider.

For storing in a basket, start again with folding in half with the crotch seam facing out. Fold in half again, ankle to crotch seam. Them, fold into thirds and stack like files into a basket.

Do you feel like your laundry is always piling up & folding is overwhelming? Try following a laundry schedule!

How to Fold & Store Workout Clothing

professional organized workout clothes, how to fold

Where do you like to store your workout clothing? I’ve seen it hung up, in drawers, in baskets, placed on a shelf, and thrown on the ground - but my go-to is always in drawers! This creates natural barriers to keep us accountable (yes - there’s a limit on how many black leggings you actually need) AND to keep slippery workout items in place! Try dividing up tops from bottom with drawer dividers or drawer bins.

Watch how we fold leggings, workout tanks, and sports bras here!

How to Fold & Store Lounge Wear

how to fold fold loungewear

When folding loungewear, it’s essential to keep sets tidy. Fold tops + bottoms of the same set together to prevent losing pieces or having to search at night when all you want to do is put on something comfy!

For matching sets, start with the top laying face down. Fold in the arms towards the centerline. Next, lay the bottoms on top. Roll and place in a basket or drawer.

Joggers or sweatpants can follow the same folding patterns as other bottoms. I like to fold them in half with the seam facing out, fold ankle to waist seam, and roll. I love storing joggers and sweatpants in a drawer with drawer dividers.

Check out our loungewear folding video for a how-to!

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you purchase through the link. However, I make it a point to only share tools and resources I truly love and use.


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