Going Green With Home Organization

social image, going green with home organization

In honor of Earth Day and the new season, I have been taking time to reflect on how my home can become more eco-friendly.

What does it mean to go green? For me, it’s about reducing unnesseccary purchases, avoiding plastic when possible, and paying attention to the ingredients in my products and food.

Thankfully for us, organization can support the goal of going green.

Create A Plan

professional organizer working on laptop to create a plan

As always, a home project should begin with creating an organized plan. It’s always a good idea to write down your ideas and goals in order to keep focus and find motivation.

To start, I write down EVERYTHING I would like to accomplish - then I choose 1-2 areas to begin with that will help me feel successful and excited to continue!

Here are some ideas to get your started:

  • I want to decrease impulse purchases at the grocery store by shopping with a list and taking inventory before I go in order to avoid food waste.

  • I want to start reading labels to understand what kind of products and chemicals I am bringing into my house in order to better support my family and the environment.

  • I want to use up my cleaning products and switch to eco-friendly ones in reusable containers.

Need some help in organizing your plan? Check out our goal setting spreadsheet!

Avoid All Or Nothing Thinking

professional organizer organizing kitchen dishes

Remember - things don’t have to be perfect! Every small step can make an impact and it’s impossible to have a ‘completely’ eco friendly home.

When we avoid all or nothing thinking we remember that we can try a reusable bag for storing snacks AND still use paper towels to clean up dog vomit.

Don’t be intimidated by those who proclaim to be ‘zero-waste’ or more minimalistic than we could ever imagine. The most successful changes are the ones we can implement and maintain long-term while taking great care of ourselves and our families.

Make Mindful Purchases

eco friendly product recommendations for an organized home

Now, for the fun part! Once we use up what we have, we can begin researching and buying eco-friendly products that we are sure to love.

Every day, I am seeing more and more eco choices popping up that make it easier than ever to make purchases that are better for us and for the environment. Here are some of my favorite suggestions!

reusable shopping bag | stasher bags | dryer balls

blueland cleaning products | natural dish brushes

Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. That means I get a small commission if you purchase through the link. However, I make it a point to only share tools and resources I truly love and use.


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